Saturday, October 19, 2024

October 19

 These two weeks was tough for sure. I had a lot of tests and got into couple of drama. At least I got to figure out more of who I am and things that I can improve on.  I am currently scrapbooking to feel a bit better. I'm making a little bedroom with a view of pretty northern lights. I also purchased a new juice wrld poster of the album cover of "Fighting Demons". It looks great in my room!! Yesterday I went out to the mall, shopped, ate Korean food, then went to Dolla Rama, it was pretty fun. Ugh, I'm so tired of studying, so I'm making these two weekend days my break days, and then the cycle repeats. I also finally submitted my student council video so I hope I make it in!! Also halloween is coming soon, and I am really excited for the school dance. I hope they don't play bad songs though. Last year all they played was "FEIN FEIN FEIN" unknown rap songs, and sabrina carpenter like heck no. THEY EVEN SKIPPED A JUICE WRLD SONGG :(( so i hope i can request a song or even be in charge of the songs. Don't know if I told you this but, I'm gonna be a business woman for my costume. My costume just came a few days ago and I can't wait to wear it! Listening to monsters in my basement right now. I really wish that song was finished by juice wrld as it's one of my favorites. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

October 10

 It is finally spooky season! I have been learning spooky scary skeleton on the xylophone for music. I only finished the top staff and have the bottom staff to do. I'm also going to be a business women for this year's Halloween!! I also signed up for student council, school spirit ambassador role, which I really hope I make it in. I have also recorded many vlogs on my channel like claw and kitty, first markham place, omomo, etcs.... on my channel "theweirdnostalgia", so if you like mini vlogs you should check them out! I have also been trying to beat 20 pushups so I hope future me can do it. My 3 posters that I ordered finally came in and I might be posting how they look like in my room after it stops curling up so easily. I am in science class right now and doing a coding project. It is about cells and all their different parts. I already completed the animal and plant cell and enjoying my music! I can't wait for trick or treating and the fall vibes!! I hope I can go on more rainy walks and enjoy the vibes. I also ordered a new poster and some cheap led lights for my room, hope that comes in soon too. I also did like 10 sets of pushups last night tryna get some gainssss!! Last thing I wanna mention is that this month, I want to try to become a better person and instead of starting a lot of fights, I let it go and know not to become like them. Anyways, I hope my room can geta nice makeover too. I gotta study for the religion test as the test is this thursday!! Also got to remind myself to record the video this friday for student council. Bye guys!!

March 12

 Hey guys!! I got a haul from oomomo, my friends, and 2 gift cards! I am really thankful for the things i have gotten and I have had a great...