Saturday, January 13, 2024


Hi guys!!!! I am so so sorry I havent been posting... I have lost a lot of motivation and got busy with my life. I may post once in the while but not as often as before. 


Happy new year and Merry Christmas as I didn't get to say it before. The scotiabank arena for the Raptors ending up being really fun but we got stuck for two hours and ended up getting home late. THE BUS RIDE WAS CHAOTIC

I have just finished the first week of school after returning from the christmas holiday. I have about 4 tests this month, but I really want to boost my history and math grades as I havent been doing so well. Oh my gosh, I also got 4 robux cards this christmas and its crazy..I have 203 robux left tho 😭😭

You may ask, whats my word of the year?

Well it is..Explore!


  1. to travel to a new place to learn about it or become familiar with it
  2. to search and discover; learn about
  3. to think and talk about something to find more about it

So yeah!! Also it snowed a lot today..and my teacher hasnt switched our seats in 2 months and 13 days, I dont think she will be doing it sooner. BRO IM STUCK BESIDE AN ANNOYING CLASSMATE THAT LIKE DESTORYED OUR SNOW STRUCTURESSSSSSS

I also changed my username on DEC 29!!!!! I like it way better goodbye angeloljj LOL

1 comment:

March 12

 Hey guys!! I got a haul from oomomo, my friends, and 2 gift cards! I am really thankful for the things i have gotten and I have had a great...